Centric Dynamix Inc.

Team Evolution

Team Evolution is a modified program specifically for your staff, union and non-union. The program is eight sessions focusing on interpersonal communication rather than leadership communication. Team Evolution is relevant and includes the level of detail needed to ensure participants are provided with the time, practice, and tools to change their behaviour and communication.

With the modification, we will rework the language and examples throughout to reflect the organization’s industry and culture.

Specific skills the participants learn include:

  • effective communication with an understanding of how others perceive them
  • fostering personal accountability and their responsibility in communicating
  • asserting themselves appropriately by being responsible for their rights and respecting the rights of others throughout the organization
  • resolving conflict
  • professional behaviour with an understanding of their responsibility in creating a positive work culture

The process consists of one 3-hour session per week, extending over 8 weeks. If needed, at no extra cost, private coaching provides the opportunity to work one on one with the facilitator.

By investing in and extending training to include staff, your organization demonstrates its commitment to strengthening communication between management and staff resulting in enhanced team building, increased trust and a positive, pro-active work environment.

Please contact us for a detailed course outline.